Exchange rates underpin the entire forex market, and you’ll need to know how to view, read and understand these rates as you develop your trading skills. Learn more in our guide. Understanding exchange rates in forex What is the exchange …
Understanding leverage trading What is leverage in forex? Leverage trading is a way to increase your exposure to market forces when you deal in foreign currency pairs. The forex market works according to laws of risk and reward — the …
Understanding pips in forex Pips in forex are the incremental price movements of currency pairs on the foreign exchange market. The term is an acronym for “price in percentage” or “percentage interest point”. When the price of a currency pair …
Key advantages of forex trading As traders learn more about the forex market, and as they start to use the tools and features of their platform in an effective way, they can begin to realise a number of genuine advantages …
How to trade forex: A beginner’s guide Getting started in the forex market can be daunting, and traders may feel unsure of how to grow their understanding and develop their skills. Following a few simple steps can help traders to …
Understanding forex future contracts A forex future contract — also known as a currency future because it involves the relative values of international currencies — is a method of trading in the foreign exchange market. Traders essentially agree to complete …
Understanding forex options: options explained A forex option is a derivative — in other words, its value is derived according to data taken from the forex market, including the real-time currency exchange rates and the forecasted changes. When traders use …
Understanding spot trading Spot trading involves a real-time assessment of current prices in the foreign exchange market. When an individual makes a spot trade, the value of the currencies they are working with is based on these real-time price movements …
Understanding FX forwards An FX forward is a method of trading on the forex market. To use a forward, the trader enters into a contract to execute the position at a predetermined rate once the contract reaches its expiration point. …
Understanding forex swaps What are swaps in forex? A swap in forex trading occurs when two parties opt to loan one another an amount of a specific currency. Party A will loan a designated amount of one currency to Party …
Handel kontraktami CFD wiąże się z wysokim poziomem ryzyka i może nie być odpowiedni dla wszystkich inwestorów. Dźwignia w handlu kontraktami CFD może zwiększyć zyski i straty, potencjalnie przekraczając pierwotny kapitał. Przed rozpoczęciem handlu kontraktami CFD niezwykle ważne jest pełne zrozumienie i uznanie powiązanego ryzyka. Przed podjęciem decyzji handlowych rozważ swoją sytuację finansową, cele inwestycyjne i tolerancję na ryzyko. Wyniki osiągnięte w przeszłości nie są wyznacznikiem przyszłych wyników. Pełne zrozumienie ryzyka związanego z handlem kontraktami CFD można znaleźć w naszych dokumentach prawnych.
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