Emotions are at the heart of every market decision. Learn how to harness them to make better financial choices and thrive, even when markets are unpredictable. – vtmarkets.com
A guide to the differences between MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, exploring the features, functionalities, and types of traders best suited to each platform.
Paul Tudor Jones, head of Tudor Investment Corporation, said he’s positioned for a Trump victory during a short interview with CNBC. Read the article to learn what the Trump Trade means for the monetary policies and how you can hedge …
The Trump-Harris showdown begins: Voters in the US will go to the polls on 5 November to elect their next president. Will America get its first ever woman president or a second Donald Trump term? The election volatility brings a …
The months leading up to U.S. elections have been prime time for market swings. But what is it about a presidential election that gets the world in a tizzy?
Behind the glitz of trading screens and market news lies a secret no one talks about: The mind game every trader has to play in order to win. While market participants obsess over charts and economic data, the real power …
Emotional discipline is one of the hardest things about the trading game. Read the article to learn how effective diversification can help balance our investments and reduce emotional decision-making. -vtmarkets.com
Yes, you read that right. Jerome Powell’s words hold immense power, and if you are trading CFDs, paying attention to his speeches can be the difference between capitalising on market opportunities and watching your trades go south. -vtmarkets.com
Even though inflation has cooled down a lot since its peak of 9.1% in June 2022, it’s still remains high, and there’s no telling if it might creep up again.
While having money in the bank can offer a sense of security, clinging to cash will just halter your journey in achieving financial freedom. This is the biggest mistake could cost you the lifestyle you want to live.
Handel kontraktami CFD wiąże się z wysokim poziomem ryzyka i może nie być odpowiedni dla wszystkich inwestorów. Dźwignia w handlu kontraktami CFD może zwiększyć zyski i straty, potencjalnie przekraczając pierwotny kapitał. Przed rozpoczęciem handlu kontraktami CFD niezwykle ważne jest pełne zrozumienie i uznanie powiązanego ryzyka. Przed podjęciem decyzji handlowych rozważ swoją sytuację finansową, cele inwestycyjne i tolerancję na ryzyko. Wyniki osiągnięte w przeszłości nie są wyznacznikiem przyszłych wyników. Pełne zrozumienie ryzyka związanego z handlem kontraktami CFD można znaleźć w naszych dokumentach prawnych.
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