
About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

How to trade Copper: A comprehensive guide 

What is Copper?  Copper is a widely used hard commodity that finds applications in various sectors, including technology, construction, plumbing, and wiring. While it may be less expensive compared to precious metals like silver and gold, copper’s exceptional properties as a conductor of heat and electricity make it an attractive asset for trading.  Major copperContinue Reading

How to trade gold: A comprehensive guide 

Gold has long been a highly prised precious metal, known for its lustrous appearance, unique properties, and historical use as a form of currency. While many global currencies were once backed by gold under the gold standard, this system was abandoned in the UK in 1931. However, gold continues to hold value as a stableContinue Reading

What are commodities & how do you trade them? 

What are commodities?  In simple terms, commodities are the raw materials that are harvested, collected, and processed into everyday goods and services used by humans.  Unlike stocks or bonds, commodities are physical materials and goods. Trading commodities can be potentially profitable due to their price fluctuations, but they also carry more risk compared to bondsContinue Reading

Weekly Dividend Adjustment Notice – May 18, 2023

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Week Ahead: Markets to Focus on US Retail Sales and Australia Wage Price and Employment Change

The financial industry anticipates major economic reports this week, focusing on the US Retail Sales and Australia Wage Price Index and Employment Change. These reports are crucial for traders navigating the markets and making informed decisions. NY Empire State Manufacturing Index | US (15 May)The NY Empire State Manufacturing Index unexpectedly jumped to 10.8 inContinue Reading

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