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Recent Posts by anakin
Lesson 4: What exactly are a pip and a pipette?
Have you ever wondered how traders measure the smallest price movements in forex trading? Understanding pips and pipettes is crucial for calculating profits and losses accurately. This guide will explain these fundamental concepts and their significance in forex trading. What Exactly Are a Pip and a Pipette? Understanding the basics of forex trading is crucial,Continue Reading
Written on April 2, 2022 at 2:25 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 3: Understanding the currency pairs
Learn Forex Currency Pairs The US Dollar is the most frequently traded currency in the world. As a result, most currencies are quoted against it. However, different types of currency pairs are used when referring to Forex trading, each of which is split into groups depending on the amount of trading activity and liquidity. TheseContinue Reading
Written on April 1, 2022 at 4:05 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 2: Why should you trade in the forex?
Why Trade Forex (In comparison to other markets) The forex market is the world’s largest, and it offers numerous advantages that attract traders. The following are some of the primary reasons to give forex trading a try. Unparalleled liquidity The foreign exchange market is highly liquid, which is another way of saying that other tradersContinue Reading
Written on April 1, 2022 at 3:00 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 1: What does “forex” mean?
What Does Forex Mean Forex – often spelled FX – is an abbreviation for “Foreign Exchange.” Fundamentally, it is similar to a stock exchange in that it is a market where one can exchange multiple currencies worldwide. According to a 2019 triennial report from the Bank for International Settlements (a global bank for national centralContinue Reading
Written on April 1, 2022 at 2:00 am
Categories: Beginners
VT Markets The Adjustment Of Weekly Dividend Notification
Dear Client: Warmly reminds you that the component stocks in the stock index spot generate dividends. When dividends are distributed, VT Markets will make dividends and deductions for the clients who hold the trading products after the close of the day before the ex-dividend date. Indices dividends will not be paid/charged as an inclusion alongContinue Reading
Written on March 31, 2022 at 5:14 am
Categories: Dividend
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