About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

FX forwards

Understanding FX forwards An FX forward is a method of trading on the forex market. To use a forward, the trader enters into a contract to execute the position at a predetermined rate once the contract reaches its expiration point. This enables traders to set a price for future trade and then speculate on futureContinue Reading

FX swaps

Understanding forex swaps What are swaps in forex? A swap in forex trading occurs when two parties opt to loan one another an amount of a specific currency. Party A will loan a designated amount of one currency to Party B, and Party B will loan an equivalent amount of a different currency back toContinue Reading

What is forex and how does it work

Types of forex trading There are several different types of forex trades to be aware of. As you grow your confidence in the market and learn the ropes of forex trading, you may wish to add more types of trading to your repertoire, starting simply and working up to more complex strategies. Forex spot tradingContinue Reading

Week Ahead: Possible Rate Hikes in Australia, Canada, and the Eurozone

The US is scheduled to report its ISM Services PMI this week, with interest rates data from the Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank of Canada, and the European Central Bank also due. Investors also anticipate GDP and Employment condition data from Australia and Canada, respectively. Image source: forexfactory.com  RBA Rate Statement | 6 September 2022Continue Reading

VT Markets The Adjustment Of Weekly Dividend Notification

Dear Client, Warmly reminds you that the component stocks in the stock index spot generate dividends. When dividends are distributed, VT Markets will make dividends and deductions for the clients who hold the trading products after the close of the day before the ex-dividend date. Indices dividends will not be paid/charged as an inclusion alongContinue Reading

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