
About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

¿Qué es el Mercado de Divisas y Cómo Funciona?

¿Cómo funciona el mercado Forex? El mercado de divisas, también conocido como Forex, ofrece una amplia variedad de oportunidades para los traders interesados en operar con pares de divisas como EUR/USD y USD/JPY. Desde la perspectiva profesional de un trader de Forex, exploraremos en detalle qué es el mercado Forex, los diferentes tipos de operacionesContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 31, 2023

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Margin forex trading: How to harness leverage for financial growth

Imagine you have $1,000 and want to invest in the foreign exchange market, commonly known as Forex. Traditionally, your $1,000 would only allow you to control a small trade size. However, with margin trading, you can now control a much larger position, say $100,000, with just a fraction of your own money. This means thatContinue Reading

Diversifying beyond volatility: How to trade bonds? 

Imagine this scenario: The stock market is experiencing wild fluctuations, cryptocurrencies are in a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, and investors are feeling a sense of unease.  However, in the midst of this turbulence, bondholders remain unfazed, enjoying the steady and predictable returns from their bond investments.  Just like a lighthouse guiding ships toContinue Reading

Week Ahead: Markets to Focus on US Jobs Reports, RBA Rate Statement, and BOE Rate Statement

This week’s economic calendar features key events that will have a considerable impact on the markets. Major events include the US jobs reports, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) rate statement, and the Bank of England (BOE) rate statement. Traders are advised to carefully prepare for potential market volatility triggered by these announcements and adaptContinue Reading

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