
Monthly Archives: July 2023

VT Markets Complete Guide to Forex Trading in Spain

Written on July 17, 2023 at 7:59 am, by

Forex trading in Spain has become increasingly popular, with traders eager to explore the vast opportunities in the global currency market. In this complete guide, we will provide valuable insights to help traders navigate this dynamic market with VT Markets. Introduction to the industry Gain a solid understanding of Forex trading, including its basic conceptsContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 17, 2023

Written on July 17, 2023 at 7:19 am, by

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Week Ahead: Markets to Focus on US Retail Sales and Canada, UK CPI

Written on July 17, 2023 at 4:06 am, by

This week’s economic calendar features US Retail Sales figures, as well as inflation data from both the UK and Canada — all of which have the capacity to move markets significantly. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to be prepared for any volatility that may arise from these key announcements and adjust their approaches asContinue Reading

Cómo operar en Forex La guía completa para principiantes

Written on July 17, 2023 at 2:49 am, by

¿Qué es Forex y por qué la gente comercia en Forex? Forex, también conocido como el mercado de divisas, es el mercado financiero más grande y líquido del mundo, con un volumen de operaciones diario que supera los 5 trillones de dólares. Forex es la plataforma donde se compran, venden e intercambian divisas de diferentesContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 14, 2023

Written on July 14, 2023 at 8:04 am, by

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Horarios de los Mercados Mundiales de Divisas y Bolsa

Written on July 14, 2023 at 7:53 am, by

¿Cuál es el horario y los días de negociación de Forex? El mercado financiero global opera las 24 horas del día, cinco días a la semana. Esto significa que los inversores y traders tienen la oportunidad de participar en el comercio de divisas y acciones en diferentes mercados en todo el mundo en diferentes momentosContinue Reading

Cómo Negociar Materias Primas Blandas

Written on July 14, 2023 at 6:20 am, by

Kindly visit this link for the English version of How To Trade Soft Commodities Las materias primas blandas son los activos esenciales que sustentan gran parte de la economía mundial y son cruciales para la subsistencia y supervivencia humana. También son algunos de los materiales más antiguos que se compran, venden y negocian, con siglosContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 13, 2023

Written on July 13, 2023 at 6:34 am, by

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

¿Qué es el Trading en Forex y cómo funciona?

Written on July 13, 2023 at 3:38 am, by

El trading en el mercado de divisas (Forex): ¿Qué es y cómo se realiza? El Trading en Forex es una forma popular de inversión que involucra la compra y venta de divisas en el mercado financiero más grande del mundo. A continuación, exploraremos los diferentes aspectos del Trading en Forex, desde quiénes participan hasta cómoContinue Reading

“¿Qué son los índices y cómo se operan?

Written on July 13, 2023 at 2:36 am, by

Click here for the English version of What Are Indices & How Do You Trade Them Los índices bursátiles son uno de los elementos más importantes del sistema financiero global. Representan el rendimiento general y las tendencias de la economía de un país específico, y también pueden dar una fuerte indicación sobre el estado deContinue Reading

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