
About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

Gold trading strategies for beginners

For centuries, gold has captivated humanity with its lustrous allure and enduring value. From ancient civilisations to modern economies, this precious metal has retained its status as a symbol of wealth and stability. Today, gold isn’t just for kings and central banks – it’s an accessible and potentially lucrative market for traders like you. InContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 16,2024

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 15,2024

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

How the US election impacts the stock market

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, investors are wondering how this pivotal event might affect their portfolios. With candidates presenting diverse economic platforms and the media amplifying every twist and turn of the campaign, it’s natural to feel concerned about potential market volatility. This article aims to provide a clear perspective on how theContinue Reading

Dividend Adjustment Notice – July 12,2024

Dear Client, Please note that the dividends of the following products will be adjusted accordingly. Index dividends will be executed separately through a balance statement directly to your trading account, and the comment will be in the following format “Div & Product Name & Net Volume ”. Please refer to the table below for moreContinue Reading

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