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Lesson 8: Leverage: The key to forex market
Beginners Introduction To Forex Leverage Leverage is a crucial concept in forex trading, allowing traders to control large positions with relatively small amounts of capital. By amplifying both potential gains and losses, leverage can significantly impact trading outcomes. This lesson explores the benefits and risks of using leverage, how it is calculated, and effective riskContinue Reading
Written on April 3, 2022 at 3:15 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 7: What are the key forex terminologies?
Learn The Terminologies in The Forex Market When you enter the forex market, you will come across a lot of jargon that might catch you off guard, including bulls and bears, hawks and doves, pips and ticks, and more. To understand the market, you must have a solid knowledge of regularly used market jargon. HereContinue Reading
Written on April 2, 2022 at 3:14 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 6: Getting to know bid price, ask price, and spread
Understanding What is Bid Price, Ask Price and Spreads Understanding bid price, ask price, and spread is fundamental for any forex trader. These terms are crucial for executing trades effectively and managing trading costs. In this lesson, we will cover the following: Prices in the Forex Market There are always two prices when you tradeContinue Reading
Written on April 2, 2022 at 3:10 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 5: Pip value and calculation
Learn The Value and Calculation for Forex PIP Understanding pip value is crucial for forex traders, as it helps in calculating potential profits or losses and managing risk effectively. This lesson will guide you through the basic concepts of pips and pipettes, how to calculate pip value for different currency pairs, and the significance ofContinue Reading
Written on April 2, 2022 at 2:45 am
Categories: Beginners
Lesson 4: What exactly are a pip and a pipette?
Have you ever wondered how traders measure the smallest price movements in forex trading? Understanding pips and pipettes is crucial for calculating profits and losses accurately. This guide will explain these fundamental concepts and their significance in forex trading. What Exactly Are a Pip and a Pipette? Understanding the basics of forex trading is crucial,Continue Reading
Written on April 2, 2022 at 2:25 am
Categories: Beginners
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