About: anakin

Recent Posts by anakin

Spreads in forex

Whether you are learning to trade forex for the first time or you have already spent years honing your FX strategy, spreads are something you need to know about. These important data points give you insight into how much your positions will cost, as well as offering other indications of market conditions. But this isContinue Reading

Margin in forex

Trading in the forex market generally involves speculating on the movements of currency pairs and predicting whether the market will move up or down. But as with any form of trading, there is more to it than this, and there are a number of different aspects you’ll need to be aware of as you approachContinue Reading

Forex currency pairs

There are many different trading tools, advanced features, and derivative types available to traders in the FX market, but all of these require a firm grasp of currency pairs — also known as forex pairs. Discover more about this important aspect of trading below. Understanding forex currency pairs As you learn how to trade onContinue Reading

Forex currency correlations

In a general sense, correlation is something you’ll be looking for as you analyse and assess the forex market. While correlation does not always equal causation, it can still be useful in forecasting and predicting future market movements — techniques that will become increasingly important as you learn how to trade forex in a moreContinue Reading

Exchange rate in forex

Exchange rates underpin the entire forex market, and you’ll need to know how to view, read and understand these rates as you develop your trading skills. Learn more in our guide. Understanding exchange rates in forex What is the exchange rate? The exchange rate in forex indicates how much of one currency is required toContinue Reading

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